this is me

hey, i'm james. i'm a writer, creative & brand advisor. i hate cubicles but i also hate being broke. if you came here randomly and you feel the same way, i send out occasional emails on how to make magic internet money by monetizing your passions and systemizing your human experience through purpose and intent.

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I sold about $250 million dollars as a corporate monkey. Now I spend my days examining happiness, building passion projects and writing online. If you want help escaping your a job you hate or bettering your life, contact me. Email is a great place to start.

The Schizoterica Library is a collection of books that I find fascinating. My goal is to expose you to uncommon knowledge that hasn't been repeated by your favorite influencer. Some of the books are enough to drive you mad... or just maybe... put you on a path towards Divinity.

Psychedelic Pups

Psychedelic Pups is a clothing and lifestyle company. We're just getting started, but if you like fitness, festivals or dogs - we might be up your alley.

Schizoterica Library

Schizoterica Library

[skiz-uh-ter-i-kuh] noun

1. A body of knowledge that is both highly specialized and characterized by fragmentation or diversity, often representing a range of thoughts or beliefs that do not conform to a single coherent system.2. Obscure, esoteric information or practices that are unconventional and individualistic, resisting categorization or standardization; may include avant-garde art, innovative scientific theories, unconventional philosophical ideas, or new age beliefs that merge various esoteric traditions in a non-traditional way.


Copyright © 2024 James Hansen